Thursday, May 26, 2022

Communications with Baba Sai via Dreams

Om Sri Ganeshay namah. Om Sri Sainathay namah. I thank Baba for allowing me to tell how important are His dreams not just to the devotee but also to Baba for communicating to His devotee. All dreams where Baba is directly involved are, in my experience, unfailingly significant and cannot be taken casually. Dreams involving Baba are as real as reality itself. Through dreams and visions, He teaches, instructs, warns, protects, cures, gives a solution, and even expresses Himself. The holy Satcharitra is replete with incidents where Baba works through dreams and visions in the life of His devotees. Even the Samadhi Mandir has its inception in Bapusaheb Buti's and Shama's dreams. Today, 103 years after mahasamadhi, Baba continues to achieve His purposes similarly. The global Mahaparayan started by Pooja Garg ji and the lives of umpteen devotees are a testimony to this. Here, I offer at Baba's feet a few dreams from my life that exemplify it further.

P.S.  Each image of Baba is the closest accurate form of Baba seen in the corresponding dream.

Through the pain and suffering in dreams, baba cuts down our bad karma

One night I dreamt of myself trying to get away from a dog on a street. The dog got hold of my finger in its teeth and I could feel the pain of my bleeding finger. Though I found it tolerable, I knew it would get worse at any moment. In desperation, I tell myself now nobody can help me except baba and call Him for help. Immediately a man comes and releases my finger from the dog's mouth. After that, I move on to a building and realize it's some Hindu temple as people are going around with pooja materials in thalis. While looking for the main entrance, I see a small wall with lots of pictures and baba in the middle. When I checked my Sai Parivar group messages in the morning, the 1st posted message immediately took me back to my dream as well as the pain I had in my finger and I checked my finger to see that it was alright. It was the same picture of Baba but with the dog! Baba had brought the dog (restless mind/bad karma) to His feet and passed off its agonizing bite in the dream itself. Om Sri Sainathay namah πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒΉ

Baba wards off the impending calamities through dreams.

Some dreams of Baba scare us to teach us or to remind us of a forgotten lesson. The general experience of devotees as is also testified in Sri Satcharitra is that Baba wards off the impending calamity of His children through such dreams and thus saves them. Other than Mahaparayan, I am also a member of Satavan Manjari Parayan group.  Even though by Baba's grace I have never missed reading my Chapters for MP, I wasn't very much serious about SM Parayan at the start and used to listen to it every time while doing my household chores. I must admit that I usually ended up paying most of my attention to the work rather than SM.  On the Ekadashi of 12 August 2019, I gave priority to all the work I had, reserving listening for the end of the day. By 11p.m I was feeling unwell, too tired, and too sleepy to even listen to SM. So I asked one of my Sai sisters to read it and report to the SM group on my behalf. Even though she read and reported, I knew I hadn't done the right thing. I should have taken parayan seriously. That night Baba gave me this dream:
I'm in a train-like empty compartment. From the window, I see that it's somewhere in the clouds and a very heavy burden of huge logs, being carried by cranes is coming towards the train and is about to be put on top of the compartment I'm in. The logs are full of smuggled goods (bad karmic baggage ) that the police have confiscated. As soon as the log is dropped on top of the compartment, it starts going down very speedily like a lift. I start chanting 'Sai Sai...Baba help ..' in the dream and the speed of the train slows down and then it comes to a halt. I look outside and I see people busy on a railway station on earth. I woke up and realized that I had added loads of bad karmic baggage to myself by being negligent in my spiritual duties. A few days before this my sister had dreamt that I and my mom were carrying a dead cat. The very next day after this dream my dear cat got mauled by a huge dog that entered our yard. Her x -rays showed that her pelvis was broken. Now both the dreams started making sense as me and mom both had pelvic issues at that time and it was God's name that was keeping us safe. I missed SM parayan and baba took our suffering on Himself in the form of the cat because either way, it was her time to go. Though healthy, she was too old and would not have lived for long anyway. Baba has His own ways of reminding us and bringing us back on the path and the destination He has chosen for us, His children. Right after this incident, one after another things started going wrong. Baba in His lifetime had different instructions for different devotees. They were never the same for all His children. So after contemplating the whole incident, I realized what His instructions were for me. I begged pardon from Him and promised to always read the SM for parayan. Baba, our kind mother forgave me again as things started falling back into place. In a few days, in yet another dream, I saw my cat sitting at my door at her usual place and licking her body that was covered in possibly the amniotic fluid, signifying her rebirth.
I hope that anyone who reads this dream also learns to take their spiritual commitments seriously and follows them devotedly despite the pressures of daily living. Jai Sai Ram πŸ™πŸŒΊ

Baba achieves purposes beyond human understanding

 Not all dreams of Baba are straightforward. Some of them extend beyond the realms of human comprehension. I was new to Baba's feet and loved reading the 'Devotees experiences'  website of Hetal Patil ji. One night I had a dream in which I and my husband went to a baba temple. In my dream, I was told that it was Shirdi but I had seen pictures of Shirdi so I knew that this one wasn't. The roads were not of concrete and a few poor men were sitting around in the mud with lots of lamps lit around them. So I and my husband lit one too. After a bit of looking around, we went inside and stood in front of Baba's altar, and then pandit ji gave us prasad. When I woke up I remembered exactly where the doors were, what Baba's idol looked like, how broad and long his altar was, and every other detail that I saw in my dream. But what I did not know was - which temple was it ?? I kept looking at pictures of different baba temples in India but couldn't find it so I gave up. For 3-4 nights continuously,  all the experiences of Baba that I read on Hetal ji's website had 'Shibpur Shirdi ' recurring again and again. Something stuck in my mind and when I opened the Shibpur Shirdi temple website,  I was stunned to see that it was the same temple that I had visited in the dream. I have never been to West Bengal, and don't even have a clue about how it is there yet I could tell the temple details. On reading more about the temple, I felt that Baba was probably asking me to send some dakshina as the temple construction there needed more funds. Fast forward a few years later, tired of my health problem I vowed to Baba that once cured, I would visit Him at Shiibpur. That very night baba again took me to Bengal where a large crowd had gathered on a huge ground for Durga Pooja. I ask happily, where is Baba and I see a massive, very well-decorated idol of Baba instead of Maa Durga. What higher purpose He had in taking me twice to West Bengal is something that only He knows. I can only imagine that there must be some rinanubandh with Shibpur and the region.

Baba's love for us is never-ending

What's more blissful than Baba's darshan in a dream on a New Year's Eve. On the night of 1st Jan. 2021, the dream starts with me in a train compartment along with some other passengers. Through the window, I could see the dark narrow tunnel that the train was rushing through. But I couldn't believe my eyes when a colossal, majestically decorated idol of Baba became visible just outside the window. The train begins to slow down and I run to the window with tears of admiration to have a closer look at the most magnificent, the most beautiful roop of Baba I ever had darshan of. The tunnel ends and the train halts in a huge temple of Baba. What other than Baba's grace can turn a tunnel into a temple? Was the dream meant to convey that my year would start in the dark tunnels of life but end in the darbar of Baba? Yes, that's exactly what happened. With the international borders still closed or restricted in 2021 due to Covid, I sent a letter to Baba in October through a Sai devotee, requesting Him to come to me as I couldn't come to Shirdi. I could never have imagined that He would listen to me so promptly. Most unexpectedly, a loving Sai sister bought Baba's vastra for me and posted it to me as a gift for my birthday which happens to be a little before the end of the year. Oblivious of Baba's plans, she told me that after all her efforts, she could manage to get the chola only for that specific date and it was days later before she realized that it was the chola in green (my favorite color) that Baba had graced on the day of my marriage anniversary that year.
Sai devotees would well understand the bliss Baba conferred on this petty devotee not just by gifting His chola from Samadhi Mandir but the one He adorned on a day that is special for me. With this generous birthday gift, I felt Baba's blessings bestowed on my marital life too. Sainath Maharaj ki jai!

Baba keeps His promise through dreams

It's a common practice for Sai devotees to seek guidance from Baba through SS. On one occasion while praying to Baba to show me the way, I opened SS and the story of Mr. Cholkar's sugarless tea came up. I understood what Baba was asking me to do. But it wasn't easy. Even the thought of missing my tea at breakfast was most uneasy and unsettling for me as I was addicted to it probably as much as Mr. Cholkar and would get headaches through the day without it. But since it was Baba's order to get my wish fulfilled, I made up my mind and heart to forgo my tea for a fortnight on the condition that when I start having it again, Baba must be with me to enjoy every sip of the tea. Within that fortnight my wish did get fulfilled. But after the vow period when I had my tea, I did not relish it at all partly because my mind was preoccupied with my personal circumstances and partly because by that time Baba had helped me get over my addiction to it. I even forgot about the invitation I had given to Baba 2 weeks ago and had my tea disinterestedly. But did Baba forget? He kept His promise through a dream wherein I saw Him sitting down on the open muddy ground. I wondered what was He doing sitting down there. He picked up His cup from the saucer placed on the ground and began to take loud, noisy sips. Oh! Baba was having tea!! I leave it to the readers to think how much I would have enjoyed my tea with breakfast the following morning !!!

Baba blesses us through dreams. 

  Ever since my son started eating solids he had always been underweight. As a mother I tried everything possible on earth to help him gain some weight....doctors, dietitians, child health nurses, home remedies- but nothing ever worked. At the beginning of MP2, I had a dream in which I saw a happy, healthy-looking baba with chubby cheeks. I was very happy to see a healthy baba but in the 1st instance couldn't understand the dream completely. Was that for me or my son or both since we both had health issues? Later on, when the dream flashed again in my mind I realized Baba was blessing health to my son as His face was so "happy" which translates to my son's name in Hindi. If Baba gave me this dream it had to come true. But how? I had no clue. All these years I had been struggling to the max to see him growing like other kids and was left exhausted every time with no results at all. In December, we went to Brisbane Baba's temple on my birthday and while my heart was crying to Baba, He seemed to be very happy to see me and even offered my favorite ladoo prasad which I, like a sulking child, didn't take. I couldn't understand why was He smiling so much. At that time, my son's weight, at the age of 6, had come down to the 4th percentile (an all-time low). I was lost in my problems and told Baba that this was my worst birthday ever. Little did I know that Baba had already started working on the dream. Before coming to the temple, we had met a pediatric-trained dietitian who introduced major changes in his daily diet. Not just that, Baba had already planned to send the real medicine through His agent, a very devoted Sai sister in our group. The same night baba made her message me. Almost drowned in my problems, I shared my sorrows with her. May Sai bless her abundantly,  the next day she went to Baba temple, got his teerath, and posted to me at the earliest. I started giving Baba's teerath twice daily to my son and he gained 4 kgs in just a month! From the 4th percentile, his weight jumped up to the 40th percentile within a month. Everybody in the town started turning their heads around and telling that he had started looking very different! Any guesses why baba was smiling at the temple? 😊Om Sai Ram πŸ™ Thank you Baba πŸ™ Always keep us all worthy of your love. Om Sri Sai Nathay namah, 

Looking at Baba's picture is looking at Baba Himself.
When I started my MP journey in 2019, I had only one idol of Baba in orange that I had bought from Shirdi. Somehow I also had the desire to have an idol in white. How Baba manifests our desires and wishes in a dream first and then in (perceived) reality is the experience of umpteen devotees of Sai Baba. As I slept, I saw myself passing through a makeshift stall of a lady selling religious items and idols. Baba's small white idol suddenly catches my attention and the lady tells me to take it. I feel very happy to take it with me. I  also receive a picture of Baba and wonder if it is really true that looking at Baba's picture is the same as looking at Baba and if Baba really looks back at us..? Just then baba starts moving Himself actively in the picture and settles my doubting mind to rest.  Around the same time when I had this dream, an MP devotee was sending Baba to 108 houses after her wish was fulfilled. According to her, those lucky houses were the ones chosen by Baba Himself. My joy knew no bounds when I was told that Baba would be coming to my house too.  Very soon on a Thursday, the exact white idol of Baba that I had held in my hands in my dream a few days ago actually graced the temple of my home.

Let go of body consciousness if you want to be one with Him.

Body consciousness works at different levels for different people. For long I had yearned to experience hugging my divine father. The desire at one point was so strong that Baba actually came into the dream to cuddle me!  Alas, the consciousness of this gross body overpowered my love and desire and as I saw Him coming quickly toward me, I got scared thinking, 'Oh! He has really come to hug me ' and I turned my back to Him and disappeared. Once awake, I realized what had happened. My urge to cuddle Him still lurked inside my soul somewhere.  Later, in 2019 when I visited India, I decided to visit Baba's temple at Lodhi Road. I had always wanted to visit this temple as there's something very special about His 'pratima' there. As I entered the temple and stood before Him, I had a surge of emotions and I begged Baba to come and hug me anyhow. My heart ached for my Supreme Father's embrace and I stood there waiting for Him. But nothing happened and after a while, I had to follow my husband out of the temple with my heart still pining for Baba's hug. We then visited quite a few temples of Baba in the north and every time I met him I questioned him like an adamant child, " Baba why did you not hug me?"  Little did I know of His perfect plans. πŸ™‚ We visited my in-laws in Ambala and I asked my sister-in-law to take me to the Sai temple there. As soon as I entered the temple and saw Baba, I was PULLED to Him almost involuntarily. My arms spread around him and before my mind or senses could understand what was happening, I was hugging Him and crying in ecstasy in His lap. Oblivious to the surroundings, the peeping temple workers, and my sister-in-law who watched on, I was unable to separate myself from my baba. This time there was no body-consciousness but the most divine unison with my Baba. It was only later that I realized that Baba's plan was to not just fulfill my intense desire to hug Him but also to give direction to my sister-in-law who had never known Baba's leelas before. Baba aroused His love in her heart and she got enrolled in Baba's darbar and Mahaparayan. 
Baba let our hearts pine for your love always and may all our desires melt in your feet. Love you, Baba πŸ™❤❤
Call Him once with faith and devotion and He runs to help and free us from our worries.

When I returned to classrooms as a casual teacher almost 5 years after the birth of my son, I realized that being totally out of touch with my profession had pushed back my skills by several years and it would be ages before I could gain the confidence that I had in the past. We all have our good days and bad. On one such bad day, I, unintentionally, said something before the students which I immediately realized could be very easily misunderstood, reported, and cost me my job. Scared, I turned inside my heart to Baba and prayed to Him to save me as only He knew my intentions. I immediately lit a lamp in the temple of my heart and kept it burning till home time. Once back home, I lit the lamp again, this time in the temple of my home, and prayed with all my sincerity to save me. When a bhakt is in trouble and cries out to Baba, is He far behind? At night, I had a dream in which I saw Him exactly as in the given picture. The only difference was that in the dream, it wasn't His picture but He sitting. I then heard a loud voice that said, "Don't worry a jot".  I knew that after getting an assurance from Baba, I had nothing to be afraid of and it proved true with time. Of course, I learned my lesson to be more careful in the future in tricky situations.

Baba expresses Himself too through dreams

Giving snan to Baba is every devotee's delight and so it was (is and always will be) for me too. But as frail humans sometimes we fail our Baba when we are deluded by the practical side of life and thereby put faith in the back seat. Owing to the detection of a certain heavy metal in my blood, I had become overly conscious of whatever I was putting in my body. Though the main culprit responsible for toxicity was found, there was a high chance that there were more such chemical-loaded things that had to be found and discarded. As mentioned in SS  by Baba," mind will think what the worst enemy won't ", my mindset went out on roaming mode and settled on Baba's orange-painted idol that I got from Shirdi. My primary thought was that the paint on Baba was most likely toxic so drinking His teerath was probably not right. The thought became a conviction in no time and I decided to get rid of it for me and for Baba too as He shouldn't be wearing toxic colors on His body. I tried various natural ways to remove the paint but ended up making Him patchy. Determined as I was to get rid of it, I told Him that I would have to try something harsher to clean Him completely. I decided to try nail polish remover believing that it was a stone idol and would not harm it in any way. To my utter disappointment and astonishment, as I scrubbed the idol with the nail polish remover it started melting at certain spots. Baba's kafni started getting torn and soon there was a small hole behind the heel of His resting foot. Out of this hole, a powder-like substance that had been filled in the base of the idol to make it heavy as a stone started falling out. All these years, I had believed that the idol was made of stone but it was not. It was made of plastic. The more the powder came out, the bigger the hole got. Even Baba's heel broke. Though I managed to take out most of the paint, I was in a terrible shock. What had I done to my Baba? How can I be so ruthless to Him? The guilt in me suddenly grew very big for I had done irreparable damage to my Baba's idol that had always been so close to my heart for all the experiences Baba had given me through it. I had heard that we should not have broken idols of God at home. But He was my Baba and if anyone in the family gets a broken leg, we do not throw them out. Instead, we tend to them with even more love and care. So I decided to never replace it or part with it till Baba Himself wanted to. I begged a thousand pardons from Him but did not know how to make up for it. One of these nights, I had a dream where the pooja was about to begin and Baba's sitting idol was placed among other articles of worship. I light the wick which is somewhere on the idol of Baba and I'm shocked to see Baba's idol half-melted in a matter of seconds. Perhaps it was Baba's way of telling me what I had done to Him in utter foolishness. Until I found a better solution, I placed two artificial flowers behind Baba's broken heel to cover the hole. Baba didn't take very long to tell me how He felt about the new arrangement. In the dream, I saw Him shaking his foot backward as if He was a bit itchy or not comfortable.  Soon I fixed a piece of cloth as a mat so He could comfortably move His foot back if He wanted. Just as the hole got covered at the surface with the mat, the guilt in me got covered with a slight sense of relief. Many days later, I got a message from a Sai sister. While reading SS, she got Baba's message of   'geru'  for me. She told me that if I had any question in my mind, then this was Baba's answer to it- "geru". I told her that I did not have any questions at that point but if Baba had given the message, He would tell me what it was for. The same night, just after her message, I read a leela of  Baba where He appeared as a fakir in an orange kafni. All of a sudden, my orange idol of Baba flashed in my mind, and with it, all that I had done to it. Now I realized what the message "geru" was for. I had been wanting to offer a dress to Baba in Shirdi for a very long time. I had torn Baba's kafni with the nail polish remover so I had to dress Him back in as close to His original orange clothes as possible. I was told that His dresses in Samadhi Mandir are chosen by a lucky draw and a devotee's name is withdrawn only by His will. Otherwise, it is forwarded to some other temple. With His blessings, I offered the dress, and oh! the joy I felt when I was told that He had accepted to adorn it for Madhyan aarti cannot be expressed in words. It's only our Baba who not only forgives us for our mistakes but also rewards our true repentance in a way that we experience His supreme love. Aanant koti brahmaand nayak rajadiraj yogiraj Sree satchitanad maharaj ki jai.

Baba informs us through dreams

One day while playing football at school, my son got a ligament torn in his foot. To rule out a fracture, an x-ray was done but as the report was to be received by the doctor the next day, he gave him a moon boot to offload the injured area and crutches to help him walk. As soon as my son woke up the next morning, he said that he had  Baba in the dream telling him that he would need the crutches. When I heard this, my spirits were dampened as I thought that Baba meant to tell me that the report would show a fracture. In about an hour, I got a call from the doctor that there was no fracture so he didn't need the moon boot but would need to use crutches for a few days. I thanked Baba heaps for the blessing but also wondered how despite our misinterpreting Baba out of ignorance, He still loves us and helps us whenever we need Him. There is no end to our Baba's mercy for His children.

Baba instructs through dreams

 Dreams are Baba's important means of conveying a message or an instruction to his devotees. All we need to do is pay close attention to the details to interpret them as accurately as possible to carry out Baba's instructions. In the dream I had a few weeks ago I saw Baba's idol shaking vigorously. I tell my son to look and Baba's idle shakes hard once again. Suddenly Baba stirs his arm in his cooking handi (pot) which makes an empty sound. He does that again and again there's the sound of his handi being empty. There's a group of people in the next room and I start yelling out to them to come and see that Baba is hungry and we need to feed him. The group takes Baba out of there for a feed. In the dream, my mum's house is next door and I feel happy that Baba will get yummy food to eat. From this dream what I understood was that Baba was definitely asking for annadaan (mass feeding ) as his handi was empty. The first time he stirred his hand was His order to me to do some seva on my son's birthday which was around the corner and the second time when he moved his hand in his handi was an order for annadaan by the group that I'm a member of. My understanding was that my mum's house next door was indicative of the region we needed to do it in i.e. in /around Chandigarh (my hometown) and Baba's handi indicated His Prasadalaya. Thus I concluded that Baba was asking for annadaan in a Sai temple in or around Chandigarh but I wasn't sure 'when' as our Sai Parivar group generally does this kind of seva on a religious occasion and there wasn't any shortly. I discussed the dream and Baba's instructions with the Sai sister who organizes all the seva for our group and we decided to do annadaan on Swami Samarth's anniversary date (30 April) which was only 3-4 days away. Since her inquiries didn't get attended to adequately in Chandigarh Sai Temple, she made inquiries with other Sai temples of the region - Hoshiarpur, Ludhiana, and Delhi but faced the same problem everywhere. No bookings were available for 30 April even after trying hard in several Sai temples. When she didn't get any booking for this date we took it as Baba's wish and decided to do it at the earliest possible in Lodhi Road temple, a temple close to the heart of many devotees in our group. But we were still not sure if we would get an early date as the bookings are done sometimes weeks in advance. The next morning as an assurance of His blessing, Baba gave his Lodhi Road darshan twice- once in the video of Baba's mangal snan that appeared on my Facebook and the second time in a post in our group. Soon after Sai sister called and informed me of the availability on May 6 (Friday) morning for annadaan at Lodhi Road. Once confirmed, Baba's dream was communicated to Sai Parivar members who donated generously to the noble cause. I must mention that when I communicated my dream to the group, I felt that it was not very important to mention my mum's house as I couldn't find a greater relevance than what I mentioned. But I'm glad I did as anything and everything related to Baba will always be meaningful and I also felt that someone might be able to interpret closer to what Baba had wanted to imply. Hardly a day or two had passed when another Sai sister shared the thought given by Baba during her prayers. As she visualized the dream and my mum's house in it, Baba flashed 'Mother's Day' (May 8) as an answer to 'when' the annadaan must be done. Now that we could fill in the missing dots, Baba's plan became a lot clearer and we booked another annadaan on Mother's Day in collaboration with Chandigarh Sai Temple workers who fed the poor by taking food to the slums. On the occasion, new saris were also distributed among the poor mothers as gifts to make their day special. The pictures and videos of the seva showed the vast, ugly extent of hunger prevalent in the colony of the underprivileged. As I had invited Baba too to partake in the feast at either/ both the places, I was quite keen to know if Baba had accepted the invitation. But I wasn't sure how to confirm that. Then I left it to Baba and thought that if anything strange was reported, it would be Baba's way of telling that he was present there and had a good feed too. When my Sai sister who organized the seva told me that a poor man had to be turned away as his hunger was insatiable even after eating 15 pooris with matar paneer and kept asking for more, I understood that it probably was our Baba and really wished He was fed as much more as He wanted. After this blissful seva we still had some surplus left so we offered our little service to the cows (gau mata) as well. Indeed Baba had a reason to get our group working through the dream as in a matter of days more than 1000 people were fed along with an equal number of holy mother cows. All this was made possible by Baba through a single dream that set the ball rolling.

At times when we struggle to feel proximity to Baba, he sends a dream our way that touches us like a fresh whiff of air bringing with it all the love we long for him and all the love he longs for us. As devotees of Baba we know that unless He wills, nobody can enter Shirdi or Dwarkamayi. This is true even in dreams. In many dreams, I've found myself standing outside Dwarkamayi when suddenly I realize that I haven't been in there and there's no time left to do so as it's time for me to leave and I must go. Whatever may be Baba's reasons for not letting me go in, I thank him for at least blessing me with His darshan and of His holy land in dreams. Until Baba decides to meet me outside my dreams. I'd offer my prayer to him through the following verse from Sai Sankalan:

sapno mein aa ke mil jaate ho,
mere Sai bada ehsaan kar jaate ho.
dard bhare dil ki dawa ban jaate ho,
is kadr prem ki dhara baha jaate ho 
soti hui band akhiyon se bhi neer baha jate ho,
keh nahi sakti kis  kadr khushi de jate ho
jab bin kahe apni nagri ki galiyon ki sair kara laate ho
mere Sai bada ehsaan kar jaate ho.

Aur mangu to bus itna tumse Sai 
ik ehsaan aur karna 
sapno se nikal, kabhi yu bhi aa kar milna
aur na ho sake to kum se kum ye silsila hi zari rakhna.

Sree Satchitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki JaiπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Baba's vastra is Baba Himself

How blissful it is to have Baba's dream in the early hours of Thursday...Baba's Day! As I was looking forward to a very busy Thursday of that week, I slept, on Wednesday night, wishing earnestly that I must get up early to do my parayan so I don't have to rush through my prayers mechanically. Wednesday had been very hectic too (till midnight) so despite knowing that there was hardly any possibility of me getting up at 5 am, I set the alarm and dozed off. It's the experience of the devotees that Baba fulfills the earnest desires of their hearts. So at 4 am, I started having some sort of restlessness and couldn't fall asleep back again. As per His command, I woke up, took a bath, and sat down for parayan. After reading my chapters, as I looked at Baba's green dress from Samadhi Mandir, the thought that 'this is not just a dress but Baba Himself ', crossed my mind yet again. I finished my pooja by 6 am and went back to catch up a few winks before everyone got up. As soon as I lay in bed, I quickly slipped into a deep slumber. What followed next was this dream: 
I'm at a house beside which several stairs are going downwards. As I run down those stairs, I pass through a huge platform on which, I suddenly realize, is probably a Sai temple. Very eagerly I run back up and excitedly peek inside to confirm that it is Baba's temple. Faster than my overwhelming emotions for Baba, I race towards His altar. There, in front of His idol, I see someone sleeping covered in a green sheet from head to toe, with feet towards me (the front- different direction to His Samadhi in Shirdi). The thought that the sheet is the same, or very similar to the one I have, crossed my mind. Just then I hear the sound of a person breathing loudly, almost snoring. Startled, I wonder if it is Baba snoring! Just then I see some device next to me. The rational mind tries to interfere and tells me that it must be arranged by the temple people to give the sound effect of Baba sleeping. Baba, the one to know the innermost secrets of all, in sleeping and waking states, reads this thought and immediately moves His feet.  'O, so He moves too!! Probably that must also be some advanced technological arrangement by the temple,' the mind reasoned. The omniscient Baba doesn't lose a second to respond to this lowly thought and starts turning and twisting under the sheet vigorously leaving no more room for any thought to occur. With so much movement of Baba, I woke up and realized that it was all a dream through which Baba had not only confirmed and conferred the bliss of He being present in my house in the form of His green dress but also reinforced the lesson of not letting the rational seeking lower mind rule over 'Faith'. Baba, you are the one to give the dream, the bliss, the thought, and the lesson. Please always keep us worthy of your love. My humble prostrations to you. Jai Sai Ram!!

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Sai Sankalan

Dar tere sada sheesh jhukau
har janam bas yehi sukh pau.
har bure khwab ko khwab mein uda diya,
jane kaun sa karam tha mera
Sai ne mujhe apne charno mein rama liya.
shukr karne ko shabd kam hain,
mere baba teri rehmato ke aage sara jeevan kam hai.
Sri Satchitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai πŸ™πŸ’πŸŒΏπŸ₯₯


Mein tere charno ka phool ban jau
phool na sahi dhool hi ban jau
kahi to jagah de do mere malik
kahi ghar se beghar na ho jau

Ban ke dhool tere pau ki, apni kismet pe naaz karu
toote hue khwabo mein bhi kuch naya talaash karu
agar ho jaye rehmat teri, to ye itminan karu, ki tu mera hai,mera hai, mera hai πŸ™πŸ™‡πŸΏ‍♀️🌺


Jo sukh hai Sai tere dham
vaisa kahi nahi aaram
chhor chola bhara maya se ghor
kheench aau baba teri or
vahin to hai vo sunahari bhor jise dhunde har dil,har pal, har chhor .
Baba πŸ™πŸ™‡πŸΏ‍♀️🌺


Rangi hu jeevan ke har rang mein,
phir bhi hu berang mein
ik tera hi rang hai Sai,
mil jaye to jannat hai meri.,
mere baba, bus yehi ik mannat hai meri. πŸ™πŸ’πŸŒΏπŸ₯₯


Jaane kaun si hawaon mein udi thi mein
ik chot lagi aur dharti pe aa giri mein.
Pankh diye to udaan bhi de do
jeevan diya hai to zindagi bhi de do
Thoda kam hi sahi baba, lekin apna pyar de do.
jo mein phir ud saku, phir jee saku aur teri mahima gaa saku, aisa dular de doπŸ™πŸ™‡πŸΏ‍♀️🌺


Kitna todoge marodoge mujhko?
phir bhi chorugi nahi tumko.
thak kar kahi beth gayi to,
haatho mein lathi dene
bhejoge Sai Parivar mein se hi kisi ko😊
kitna bhi todoge marodoge mujhko,
chorugi nahi tumko πŸ˜ŠπŸ™


Tere charno mein apna sarvasva rakhoo
bus yehi aas karu,
chahe kuch aur mile na mujhko
bus tere paas rahu.

Duniya ke ye jhamele mujhe na bhate baba
chalo chale yaha se door un melo ki or
jaha mujh sang khelte ho, muskurate ho,
gir jau to aage badh kar uthate ho
Chalo chalein dil ki un gehraio mein baba
jaha tum kabhi rulate ho, kabhi hansate ho
ruth jau to phir manate ho
is duniya se bachate ho
andhero mein bhatak jau to raasta dikhate ho.
dar kar simat jau to mamta ke aanchal mein chupate ho....
phir le chalo mujhe baba apni duniya ki or,
is duniya ke dikhavi mele chhor
aur... sada vahin niwas karu
bus yehi aas karu, yehi ardaas karu πŸ™πŸ’πŸŒΏπŸ₯₯


sapno mein aa ke mil jaate ho,
mere Sai bada ehsaan kar jaate ho.
dard bhare dil ki dawa ban jaate ho,
is kadr prem ki dhara baha jaate ho
soti hui band akhiyon se bhi neer baha jate ho,
keh nahi sakti kis kadr khushi de jate ho
jab bin kahe apni nagri ki galiyon ki sair kara laate ho
mere Sai bada ehsaan kar jaate ho.

Aur mangu to bus itna tumse Sai
ik ehsaan aur karna
sapno se nikal, kabhi yu bhi aa kar milna
aur na ho sake to kum se kum ye silsila hi zari rakhna.
Mere baba πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸŒΉ


Upne pyar se behad bhara hai dil apne mera baba,
per phir bhi kuch jagah khali hai
Jee bhar kar dekh leti hu aapko ,
per lagta hai abhi bhi kuch baki hai.πŸ™❤❤


Dil mein chupe bhavo ki zubaan hamesha lafzon mein nahi hoti,
aur lafzon mein hamesha sacchai bhavo ki nahi hoti,
Isi tarah baba to sang sang chalte hain hamesha,
bus unki har waqt awaaz nahi hoti. πŸ™πŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€


mushkil kitne bhi ho raste,
bus tera sath rahe,
girti bhi rahu yadi dagmag puth par,
tere hone ka sada ehsaas rahe,
manzil milegi na milegi mujhko tu jaane,
per mere sir pe sada tera hath rahe. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™‡πŸΏ‍♀️


tera sath hai to jeevan hai mera
jeevit hone ka ehsaas hai mera.
varna vyarth ginti hai sason ki,
bewajah jeevit rehne ke bahano ki. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™‡πŸΏ‍♀️


is duniya mein na khone dena, ye duniya to sirf maya hai,
meri duniya sirf tere charno mein hai,
jahan meine har sukh paya hai.
kho gayi agar is mayavi duniya mein to jee nahi paugi,
sab sukh hone par bhi khud ko dukhi hi paungi.
aisa kabhi na hone dena mere malik,
jab tak saans rahegi tere hi gun gaungi
Baba πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™❤


Jab se mile hain hum Sai tujhko,
zindagi hi rangeen ho gayi.
Shirdi to mano jannat nahi,
jannat se bhi haseen ho gayi .
log kehte hain ki vo khuda ka ghar hai,
arre meri jaan vo khuda ka hi nahi, khuda ke har bande ka ghar hai
jab bulava aaye to tum bhi Shirdi jaana,
vaha ki hawa, paani aur mitti ko maathe se lagana,
maathe se laga usi mein rum jaana,
Baba ke jis pyar mein vaha khinch kar chale gaye,
Vo apne rom rom mein basa laana.
Jab bhi bulava aaye to Shirdi zaroor jaana πŸ™πŸ™❤


Baba ke charno ne aisa deewana banaya hai
Bhagwaan ka har swaroop bus unhi mein paya hai
Mein kyu jau kahi aur unhein chor ke 
Jo naseeb mein nahi tha, vo sukh bhi sirf unhi se paya hai.
Jai Sai Ram πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»❤


Tere pyar mein aankhein num rahein, 
Isse badh kar koi chah nahi
Zindagi ki jung ko jeetne ki 
Isse badhiya koi rah nahi
Jab sath ho tum mere Baba,
to jung choti hai ya badhi , 
Koi parvah nahi
Bus mere sir pe tera hath rahe,
Kyuki usse upar koi saugaat nahi

Hamare Baba 🌹❤️


Tumne jo mujhko gale se lagaya, 
Bhul gayi mein ye tun,  mun, ye kaya
Bisar gayi tab sari moh maya
Baba tumne jo mujhko hridya se lagaya.

Karti hu intezaar ki phir mujhe bulaoge,
Apne charno ki khushboo se mujhe kheench le aaoge
Mujh mein is tarah sama jaoge 
Ki phir se na rahega ye tan, na ye man , na ye kaya aur na ho koi bhi moh maya.πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™‡‍♀️


Teri rehmato pe pal raha hai ye jeevan baba. 
Bus itni meher aur karna ki 
Jo saans aaye, vo bhi tera shukr kare aur jo saans jaye vo bhi tera naam jape 
Aur aane aur jaane wali saanso ke beech ki doori mein bhi bus tu hi basse. 

Teri rehmato pe pal raha hai ye jeevan baba. 
Bus itni meher aur karna ki 
Na hi aham ka ho bhav kahi, 
Na hi koi hasti rahe meri.
Tere charno ki dhooli mein hi har yug 
Ye aatma basi rahe meri.
Sri Satchitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™‡‍♀️πŸ’


Andhero mein bhatak rahi hu kahi, yu lagta hai
Per aa kar thaam loge tum Baba, yu lagta haiπŸ™‚πŸ™πŸ»
Hawa se, ik sune se kone mein bujhte hue diye ki tarah ho gayi hu, kabhi yu bhi lagta hai
Per hawa ko thaam, lau ko bacha loge tum , yu lagta hai πŸ™‚πŸ™‚
Tere bharose sab kuch chora hai Baba,
To sambhal hi loge tum, yu lagta hai😊
Dard to ayenge hazaar lekin, 
Sath kabhi bhi na choroge tum, yu lagta hai. 
Baba ❤️


Aaj phir guruvar aaya hai
mano Baba ka koi tyohaar aaya hai🎊
Pehle guruvar kabhi aisa manmohak na tha
Per jabse mile ho tum Baba,
Har baar tumhara dher sara pyar aur dular laya hai.
Bujhe hue dilon mein 
roshni ki ik kiran laya hai,
Ruthe hue chehro pe muskaan laya hai, 
Ik nayi umeed aur umang laya hai .

Jeevan ke kitne guruvar yu hi nikal gaye,
Khane, pinae aur sone mein chale gaye,
Per ab jab bhi Guruvar aaya hai,
Baba ka kuch khaas pyar bhara ehsaas laya hai..πŸ™πŸ»❤️


Kyun lagta hai ki bhool se gaye ho
Paas to ho tum Baba per dur lag rahe ho
Sabr ke imtihan ab gehre ho gaye hain
aandhiyan tez or toofan aur tez ho rahe hai
Ek Tera ehsaaas hi mera sahara hai...
 ye jo chootha to andhera aur gehra hai.

Janti hoon nahi choroge haath mera 
janti hoon nahi choroge saath mera
Per fir kyun lagta hai ki bhool se gaye ho
 pas hote hue bhi door lag rahe ho?


Sai aapki to ek nazar se jhuk jaata hai ye sara brahmaand ,
to phir kaise kare aapki mahima ke gungaan,
nacheez ki yeh zubaan ?
janmo janam dhudhne per bhi nahi milenge aise bhagwaan,
Jinki mahima gaane ko poora hi na padh paye shabdo ka gyan.
Kis tarah tareef karu mere baba,shabdo mein vo dum nahi jo ban sakein is dil ki zubaan.
sada tere charno mein natmastak reh bus itna kahu ki,tum hi the, tum hi ho aur sirf tum rahoge sada mere guru, mere Sai, mere nath mahaan.


Mal se bhi meli hai janmo se meri kaya,
hogi nirmal jab barambaar milegi tere charno ki chaya
Karmo se ho sharminda,
Maili kucheli gathri bani pari hoon bhavya darbar mein tere
Kisi ki mujhpe nazar na pade sivai tere
Shukra Hai Tera mere Baba Jo mujhe darbar mein apne sthan diya
Is layak to mein hargiz na thi, phir bhi mujhko yeh samman diya
Kaise nazre milaoon tumse Baba,
 itni meri aukaat nahi
Tere bhakto ki bheed mein, har janm, mujhe bhi bus thodi si jagah mil jae,
 Issay upar koi murad nahi


Anath hone ka matlab samajh aata hai jab tera ehsaas kahin kho jata hai. 
Sanso ka bhaar bhi saha nahi jata hai jab is mun ke aaine mein tera deedar na ho pata hai.
Kaha jau tumhe dhoondne ; aa jao Baba, tum bin ye dil ghabrata hai 
Tere hone ka ehsaas hi saburi ko bal de jaata hai aur haar mein bhi jeet ki khushi de jaata hai.
